I have been interested in photography since I was ten years old when my father first showed me how to process and print film. This interest continued through my schooling where I was encouraged to take an A-level in ‘Art & Design – Photography’ by an art teacher who thought I had far to much ‘study’ time in my timetable for my last year of schooling. The studying of the A-level introduced me to classical photography and also that Photography is Art. As well as studying the likes of Bill Brandt, Man Ray, Cartier-Bresson, Ansel Adams to name a few I was also encouraged to study other artists using the conventional artist materials such as Monet, Dali and Margritte, not to mention Film Directors. I stopped my hobby in Photography when I left university as I no longer had access to darkrooms. However, with the development of Digital photography my interest was re-kindled. I could ‘process’ my images once again and a lot cheaper too!
I do not recognise a distinction between Art and Photography, they are one and the same, they are just different mediums. As you can see below I don’t specialise in any particular subject but I do like surrealism and emotions which I try to encompass in my images.